
The Student Assessment of Instruction (SAI) allows students the opportunity to provide confidential feedback about their courses and instructors.

Evaluations are offered exclusively online. They are available starting three weeks prior to the course end date displayed in Classmate and are available until the course end date.  The course end date (Last Day of Classes) can be found on the Academic Calendar.


Access SAI evaluations from either the Classmate app or the Student Assessment of Instruction (SAI) app in MyUWF.

Accessing SAIs from the Student Assessment of Instruction (SAI) app in MyUWF

Step 1

Search for Student Assessment of Instruction in MyUWF and click the app to open it.  Log in.

Step 2

The app home page gives an overview of the courses. They are ordered within the SAI app according to relevance.  All current courses are listed at the top.  They will be in a section titled "Current Courses".   These are all current and future courses.

list of current and future courses

Any older courses from the previous terms will be listed at the bottom of the page with a heading of "Old Courses".

list of old courses

See Completing a Student Assessment of Instruction for instructions on how to complete a SAI.

Accessing SAIs from the Classmate app

Step 1

Search for Classmate in MyUWF and click the app to open it.  Log in.

Step 2

Three weeks prior to the course end date, Classmate will provide a link to the SAI evaluation form.  

The button will read "Evaluations Open" until there are only 48 hours remaining.  The button will then read "48 hours left". The hour will continue to count down until 0 remain.  


Click the 'Evaluations Open' button to open the SAI app.  For instructions on how to complete the evaluations in the SAI app see Completing a Student Assessment of Instruction.

NOTE: Even though an evaluation is complete, the buttons in the Classmate app will continue to say Evaluation Open until the deadline approaches and passes.

Completing a Student Assessment of Instruction

Step 1

Choose the course/instructor and click Evaluate. If a course has more than one instructor, a separate evaluation will be available for each. 

'Evaluate' button

Step 2

Fill out the evaluation, and then click Submit at the bottom of the evaluation form.

Submit button

'Submit' button

Step 3

Once complete, you will be brought back to the main overview page where there will be an indicator that your evaluation has been submitted.

Evaluation Submitted message

Course Labels

In the Student Assessment of Instruction (SAI), each course has a label to the right of their listing indicating the status of the evaluation.  Below is a description of what each label means.  Use these labels to determine if you have completed your evaluations.


Label for available date

The course evaluation period has not arrived yet. The date listed on the label will indicate when it will be available to evaluate.

label for evaluate

The course is open to evaluate and it has not yet been evaluated.

label for completed evaluation

An evaluation was completed for the course.

label for closed evaluation

The course did not have an evaluation completed for it and the date is now past the evaluation period.



The SAI end date is the last day you can complete an evaluation, which is the last day of the class.  After the SAI end date, the Student Assessment of Instruction (SAI) app will show a red indicator that evaluations are closed.

Old Courses section

No. Instructors will not have access to any information that associates you with the information you provide. Your feedback will not be made available to your instructor or to the academic department until after grades are posted for the course.  

No. Evaluations can only be submitted once and cannot be edited after submission. 

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(850) 474-2075