What to do when you get Registration Errors

  • A section override does NOT automatically register you. An override only permits you to register. After you have been given an override you must go online and add the class. It is possible that you may need more than one override.
  • Request an override BY NAME: Read any Registration Error Message carefully, look under STATUS. This will tell you which specific override you require. See the chart at the bottom of the page.

Note: You will have to agree to each error message before proceeding. 

Step 1: 

Click "Ok" to the error message. The number in the top right corner indicates how many errors have been received. In this example, we will have to agree to 2 error messages.

Example of error message

    1. Your next screen should look like the image below. The number in the top right corner should reduce by 1.

Example of error message

Step 2:

Click on the yellow box on the top right corner.

The next error message will then expand. Click "Ok."

Example of error message

    1. The error box indicator should now disappear from the top right corner.
      Example of error message

Possible Registration Error Messages

The following error message is an example of an error encountered in the "Register for Classes" portal. This error indicates that the user does not meet the Degree Restriction set by the department.

Example of error message

(See "STATUS")



Campus RestrictionSection is restricted to students at a particular campus location.Choose a different section. OR ask the department offering the course to issue a Campus Restriction Override.

Closed Section

Section is full - no seats available

Choose a different section. OR It is possible to ask the dean, department chair, or instructor for a Capacity Override. However, the answer may be "no".

Class Restriction

Course is restricted to specific students based on the number of earned hours as of the last semester completed at UWF. See your Unofficial Transcript or Degree Works audit for the number of hours you have completed.

Select a different course. OR You may request a Class Restriction Override through the department offering the class.

Cohort RestrictionA specific cohort is required to enroll in the course.Choose another section. OR if you think you are a member of the cohort, contact the office who controls the cohort to have it added to your record OR contact the department offering the course and request a Cohort Participant Override.
College RestrictionClass is restricted to students in a specific college (ex: College of Business).Choose a different section. OR ask the college offering the course to issue a College override.

Corequisite (Subject Course Number) Required
(ex: Corequisite ENC 1101 Required)

One or more separate courses may be required to be taken at the same time. These courses are called co-requisites (see course description in the catalog).

Register for all classes by submitting the CRN's for all sections simultaneously. OR You may request a Co-Requisite Override from the Department Chair.

Degree RestrictionClass is restricted to students pursuing a particular degree. For example, the course is restricted to students only in a BS program; students in a BA program may not register for the course.Choose a different section. OR ask the department offering the course to issue a Degree Override.
Department RestrictionClass is restricted to students in a specific department (ex: Psychology department).Choose a different section. OR ask the department offering the course to issue a Department Override.
Duplicate Course with Section xxxxxThe course already exists on your schedule. Check the registration status for "Registered."
Typically, a student cannot enroll in the same course more than once in the same term. However, if you are attempting to take two special topics courses that have the same course number, but a different CRN and section number, you may request a Duplicate Course Override from the department offering the courses.
Your enrollment status prevents registration. Contact your Academic Advisor.Your enrollment status is set to "stop registration" and not "eligible to register". This is common for student-athletes, international students with certain visa requirements, and first time in college students.

Contact your Academic Advisor to email the Office of the Registrar registrar@uwf.edu on your behalf:

• Student-athletes: contact your athletic compliance advisor and or athletic advising office;

• international students: contact International Affairs;

• freshmen or first time in college students: contact your First Year Advisor.

Level Restriction

Course is restricted to a specific level (Graduate or Undergraduate)

Undergraduate students wishing to enroll in graduate courses need special permission from the Graduate School Office. Permission is granted in the form of a Level Restriction Override.

Linked course required

This course requires simultaneous registration in a lecture and laboratory section. You have tried to register in a lecture or lab section without the corresponding lab or lecture section.

Register for both the lecture and one of the linked labs. Submit the CRN for the lecture and linked lab at the same time.

Field of Study Restriction

Class is restricted to a specific field of study.

A Field of Study Override must be obtained from the department.

Maximum Hours Exceeded

Registration exceeds the maximum number of hours permitted for that student for that term.

Permission to take more than the allotted hours must be obtained from your Academic Advisor and Department Chair. Start with contacting your Advisor. Use the Adjustment to Minimum/Maximum Hours form.

Minimum Hour RequirementA minimum hours restriction prevented the processing of your request. This error appears at the top of the Add or Drop Classes worksheet. The minimum hours required varies for different student populations. Certain groups of students such as student-athletes, veterans, may have differing requirements for minimum hours.

Contact your Academic Advisor to email the Office of the Registrar registrar@uwf.edu on your behalf:

• Student-athletes: contact your athletic compliance advisor and or athletic advising office;

• international students: contact International Affairs;

 • freshmen or first time in college students: contact your First Year Advisor.

Mutual Exclusion with <Course Subject Number> (Ex: Mutual Exclusion with ACG 4201)You attempted to register for mutually exclusive courses (not necessarily during the same term). These two courses cannot both be taken for credit.Choose a different course. OR Contact the department offering the two courses and request a Mutual Exclusion Override.

Program Restriction

This section is restricted to specific programs.

Change your program to that program. OR Contact department offering the course and request a Program Restriction Override.

Prerequisite and Test Score Error

Class requires a prerequisite or a specific test. (See course description in the catalog).

Prerequisite and/or a specific test must be completed before you are allowed to register. If you believe you have completed the prerequisite contact the department offering the course for a Prerequisite Override.

Special Approval:

Continuing Ed Approval Required

Co-op Education Approval Required

Credit by Proficiency Only

Departmental Approval Required

Instructor Approval Required

Special approval is based on the options listed in the column to the left.

Choose another course/section. OR request a Special Approval Override from the appropriate office named in the error message. If Departmental Approval is required, contact the department offering the course.

Student Attribute RestrictionA specific student attribute is required to enroll in the course.Choose another section. OR if you think you should have the required attribute, contact the office who controls the attribute to have the attribute added to your record OR contact the department offering the course and request a Student Attribute Override.

Time Conflict With (CRN XXXXX)

The section is conflicting with another section already on the student's schedule.

Select a section that meets at a different time. OR Student may request a Time Conflict Override; this MUST be approved by the instructors of each course affected.


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