Whether you are an experienced user or a newcomer, the guides below will help you get started creating recordings in Panopto and making it available to your students.

The Panopto system is split into two distinct parts:

  • the recorder software that is installed on the computer that you use to make the recording, and
  • the server/cloud/website, where videos are stored, edited and accessed after you have finished recording. 


Create your Panopto account. Faculty at UWF will need to have a Panopto account first before using Panopto. Simply enabling and accessing the Panopto tool in your Canvas course will complete the account setup. If you are NOT planning to use Panopto in Canvas, login through the UWF Panopto site set up an account. Once your Panopto account is created you will be able to record and publish your computer's audio, desktop display and video (optional).  

Visit: Getting Started with Panopto at UWF to:

  1. Enable Panopto in your Canvas course.

  2. Download the Panopto recording software.
  3. Record and publish Panopto recordings.


The recommended way to set up your Panopto account is through Canvas. If this is not possible, staff can login through the UWF Panopto site set up an account. Once your Panopto account is created you will be able to record and publish your computer's audio, desktop display and video (optional).

  1. Download the Panopto recording software.
  2. Record and publish Panopto recordings.


Students accounts are created automatically when accessing Panopto videos. It’s recommended that students access and view Panopto through their Canvas course(s). By default, students are not allowed to make recordings using Panopto.



  • I am supporting an instructor, how can I get access to Panopto? Panopto user permissions and course folders are inherited from Canvas. If you need to create, upload, or access Panopto recordings, the instructor of the Canvas course should add you as one of the following course roles: Teacher, TA, or Course Designer. 

  • I don’t see Panopto recordings in my course. 

    • For faculty: First check to ensure you have enabled Panopto in your Canvas course. Also check to ensure you have published the recording to the correct course. If you cannot locate the recording it may not have been uploaded. Open the Panopto recorder and attempt to re-upload the missing recording. 

    • For students: Contact your instructor to ensure they’ve enabled Panopto in the course, and have uploaded or shared the video in question. 

  • I don’t have the correct rights/permissions to record, share or view Panopto recordings. What should I do? 

    • Contact ITS Helpdesk.  

  • My Safari browser says it is not accepting cookies.


  • Can I create a Panopto recording if I am not currently connected to the Internet? Yes, however the initial installation and setup of the Panopto recorder requires an internet connection.  In other words, before your able to record offline you must have signed into the Panopto recorder using your ArgoNetID. 

    • With Panopto’s offline functionality, you can record audio, video, screen images, or PowerPoint slides even when you do not have network connectivity.

    • The system will capture the content and store the material locally on the recording computer. 

    • Once you restore network connectivity, choose a destination folder for the recording, and start the upload to complete the process. 

  • What is the PowerPoint option on the Panopto recorder? 

    • Selecting this option will only capture screenshots of each PowerPoint slide (plus audio from your computer). If you intend to show (and want Panopto to capture videos and other animations on the screen) make sure to uncheck this box. 

    • NOTE: In order to properly record PowerPoint presentations use the full-screen presentation mode in PowerPoint.


  • I don’t see my course listed as an option to publish or upload my Panopto recording. 

    • Check to ensure you have enabled Panopto in your Canvas course. 

  • Can I upload a video file from my computer hard drive such as a .mp4, .wmv, .mov, etc.? 

    • Yes. See here for our guide to upload media files from your computer into Panopto.

  • If the Panopto recorder isn’t open on the desktop, will my recording still upload? 

    • If you are using the Windows recorder, yes. The Windows recorder has a background uploading service that will transfer data to the server as long as the recording computer is on. The Mac recorder does not have this service at this time. 


  • How do I share Panopto recordings? 

    • Panopto can be setup in your Canvas courses to control access to your recordings. Recordings can be published to specific courses and students in the course can then view the recording.

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