
In order to have students request, schedule, and/or drop in to tutoring sessions, the tutors need to have their availability set up in GradesFirst.

As of August 2014, the only UWF tutors that need to follow this procedure are the ACE tutors.

On this page

Before You Begin . . . 

Tutors can manage their own availability, so long as they have the "Tutor" role.  See Discovering which GradesFirst user roles you have.

Tutors with the "Tutor Manager" or "Tutor Administrator" user roles can manage the availability of their staff.

Make sure to have the following before continuing (the ACE coordinator will provide this information):

  • The days and times you should expect to work
  • The course(s) and the student service(s) you can tutor
  • The opening and closing dates of the UWF tutoring center that you'll be working in.

These instructions will continue as if a tutor is creating his or her own availability, and these instructions will explain how to create, copy, edit, and delete your availability.


Creating Your Availability

Step 1

Go to uwf.gradesfirst.com.  Log in.

Step 2

Click on the grey "Tutor Settings" tab.

Tutor Settings tab

Step 3

Click on the grey "Edit Appointment Constraints" link.

Edit Appointment Constraints link

Step 4

Change the number in the "Hours in advance" field if you or your direct supervisor wants to set how late a student can schedule an appointment in GradesFirst.

ACE Lab Staff:  Set this number to 12.

Change the "Default Appointment Length" menu if you or your direct supervisor wants to set a default appointment length.

ACE Lab Staff:  Set this to 30 minutes.

Click the blue "Update Constraints" button to save the constraints you just set.

Click the blue "Hide Constraints" link to hide the Student Appointment Constraints menu.

field for hours in advance, dropdown menu for default appointment lengths, Update Constraints button, Hide Constraints link

Step 5

Click the grey "Add Time" button.

add time button

Step 6

Click the days you are available.  Selected days will be bold, and non-selected days will be grey.

Example Scenario:  Today is August 22, 2014, and Anita Bath is an ACE tutor who tutors just one course, General Physics I (PHY2053), on Mondays and Wednesdays from 10 AM to 2 PM, and on Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 PM to 6 PM; she does not offer any student services in GradesFirst.  She needs to create two different availabilities, one for her Monday/Wednesday schedule, and another for her Tuesday/Thursday schedule.  The opening and closing dates of the ACE Lab for the upcoming fall term will be September 2, 2014, and December 5, 2014.

Let's create her Monday/Wednesday availability.

buttons for days, sliders for times

Step 7

Click the grey "Appointments" button.

appointments button

Step 8

Click on the 'Duration" drop-down menu and select "A Range of Dates."  Change the "Starting on" date to September 2, 2014, and the "Ending on" date to December 5, 2014.

NOTE:  Do not select the semester that may be preloaded because the dates of the term may not match the dates that the tutoring center is open.

Example Scenario:  For the fall 2014 semester, the tutoring center may take appointments from September 2 to December 12, but GradesFirst may say that the semester begins August 25 and ends January 5.  If you select the preloaded term, then you would be allowing students to schedule appointments for dates before September 2 and after December 12.

Range of dates dropdown, date pickers for start and end dates

Step 9

Click the "Location" drop-down menu and select the location that you will be tutoring in.

Example Scenario:  Anita Bath will select "Academic Center for Excellence."

location dropdown

Step 10

Enter the course(s) that you will tutor by typing the course number(s) in the "Select Courses" field.

Leave this field blank if you are not tutoring a specific course.

Example Scenario:  Anita Bath will enter "PHY2053" because she is available to tutor just General Physics I.

dropdown for courses

Step 11

Enter the student service(s) that you will tutor by typing the name(s) of the student service(s) in the the course number(s) in the "Select Courses" field.

Leave this field blank if you are not offering a specific student service.

Example Scenario:  Anita Bath will not enter a student service. 

ACE Lab Staff:  Do not enter any student services.

student services field

Step 12

Click the blue "Save" button once, only after reviewing your selections.

Save button

Step 13

The availability you just created will appear.

Your availability will appear with a red highlight, and with the word "Inactive," if the current date doesn't fall within the date range you just set.

Example Scenario:  Anita Bath created her availability on August 22, 2014, but her availability isn't set to begin until September 2.  So for now, her availability will appear with a red highlight.

new tutoring availability

Example Scenario:  Now that Anita Bath has created her Monday/Wednesday availability, she now needs to create her Tuesday/Thursday availability.

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Copying An Availability You Have Created

Copying an availability that has already been created will save time because you won't have to re-enter every field.

Step 1

Select the availability you wish to copy, and then click the grey "Copy Time" button.

copying selected times

Step 2

Change what you feel needs to be changed.  In most instances, you will change the days and times, and you will not have to change the location, the courses, or the student services.

You will have to re-enter the duration.

Example Scenario:  Anita Bath needs to enter Tuesdays and Thursdays from 3 PM to 6 PM, so will have to deselect Monday and Wednesday, and select Tuesday and Thursday.  She will have to change the time from "10 AM to 2 PM," to "3 PM to 6 PM."  She will also have to re-enter the opening and closing dates of the ACE Lab for the upcoming fall term, which are September 2, 2014, and December 5, 2014.

adjusting copied availability

Step 3

Click the blue "Save" button once, only after reviewing your selections.

Save button

Step 4

The availability you just created will appear.

newly created availability

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Editing An Availability You Have Created

Step 1

Select the availability you would like to edit, and then click on the "Edit" link for that availability.

editing or inactivating times

Step 2

Change what you would like to change, review your changes, and then click the blue "Save" button.

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Deleting an Availability

Step 1

Select the availability you would like to delete, and then click on the grey "Delete Time" button.

deleting times

Step 2

A pop-up should appear, asking you to confirm the availability you want to delete.

Click "OK" if you want to delete the selected availability.

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