
This page contains information for students concerning Clickers.

Point Solutions provided by echo360 is the official clicker at the University of West Florida. 

UWF uses Point Solution Clickers and software to provide an audience response system for instructors and students. Point Solutions integrates seamlessly into Microsoft PowerPoint, allowing students to participate in presentations using a response card, also called a "Clicker". Students can purchase a clicker in the UWF Bookstore or through the TurningPoint Cloud link in eLearning.

Each student must register their clicker in eLearning before the clicker can be used in class. Registering your clicker assigns your clicker Device ID to your student number. After registering your clicker device, when you use your clicker to log attendance, assessments, or other interactions with a TurningPoint presentation, the information is logged under your name and student number for your instructor or presenter. 

If you have a problem with your clicker you can call the ITS Help Desk at 850-474-2075.  

Mobile Device App Video Instructions

When using the ResponseWare app in class, make sure you are connected to ArgoAir and not using your device's data plan. See Connecting to ArgoAir if you need to set up ArgoAir on your mobile device. 

Helpful Pages

Example of ClickerEcho 360