Notifications are emails or texts sent from Canvas to your email or phone number, which alert you to activity in your course, including messages from the teacher, discussion points, grade deadlines, assignments which have been graded, and other information.

Each Canvas user can adjust the Notification Preferences in his or her personal Settings to fit his or her needs. Some users will want to be notified of course events on a more regular basis than others. Users can choose to notified of course activity via email or text message. You can also select when you would like to receive notifications from Canvas (immediately, daily, weekly, or none). Here are UWF's recommended notification settings for students.

Update your Notification Preferences

  1. Click the Account Icon on the left side navigation bar, then Notifications.
  2. Add Ways to Contact by clicking Add Email Address or Add Contact Method
  3. Adjust your Notification Preferences for each type of course action (assignment due, discussion post, announcement) if needed. The default settings are accurate for most people.
  4. Edit Notification Preferences by clicking the Checkmark, Clock, Calendar, and X icons for each Course Activity.

To change a notification for a contact method, hover over the notification type you want to change.

  1. Select the Checkmark icon to be notified immediately of any change for the activity. These notifications are delayed by one hour in case an instructor makes additional changes, which prevents you from being spammed by multiple notification in a short amount of time.
  2. Select the Clock icon to be notified daily of any change for the activty.
  3. Select the Calendar icon to notified weekly of any change for the activity
  4. Select the Remove icon to remove the notification preference so you won't be notified of any change for the activity.

Note:  Each set notification preference will automatically apply to all of your courses. They cannot be set individually.

Learn more about updating your Notification Preferences in Canvas.

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