Your personal settings include contact information and other settings that will help your instructor and peers contact and identify you. Profile pictures are helpful to identify users by putting a name with a face. Profile pictures can be uploaded in your personal settings. Please keep in mind that the school and your teachers will be able to see this. Please select a school appropriate photo.

To Update your Profile

  1. Click the Account icon in the left side navigation bar.
  2. Locate and click the Profile navigation link.
  3. Click the Edit Profile button at the far right.
  4. Click the circle next to your name and upload a photo of your self.
  5. Enter any other information you would like your teacher to see.

Here are more detailed instructions on posting your profile picture 

Adding additional contact methods to your account

Click on the Account icon again, then Settings in the navigation menu. Add additional emails or text message phone numbers in the top right area

Learn more about updating your Profile in Canvas.