
The Respondus LockDown Browser (LDB) is a custom web browser for taking quizzes in eLearning. When students use Respondus LockDown Browser, they cannot print, copy, go to other websites, or access other applications. Once they start a quiz in the Respondus LockDown Browser, they must finish it in the same session. If you require that students use Respondus, they will not be able to take the quiz with a standard web browser.

Respondus Resources

Enabling Respondus LDB on a Quiz

Instructors should access the LockDown Browser Dashboard from the Canvas course navigation. Upon selecting the Dashboard link, a list of quizzes in the course is displayed.

  • Select Modify Settings from the context menu to the left of the quiz title.
  • Select "Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam." You may require that LockDown Browser be used to view quiz feedback and results. Optionally, apply an access code.
  • Click [+] to view the Advanced Settings.
  • If Respondus Monitor is enabled at your institution, the Monitor Webcam Settings will also appear.
  • Click Save and Close

Additional Resources:


Do not use the Respondus LockDown Browser in conjunction with ProctorU!

Ensure student success

To ensure that your students are ready to use the Respondus LockDown Browser on their first "significant" quiz attempt, give your students a simple quiz (2, or 3 questions) very early in the course and REQUIRE that the Respondus LockDown Browser be used to complete it.

This will allow issues, if any, to be resolved well before they attempt any "significant" exam with the Respondus LockDown Browser.


  • If only one or two of your students experience a problem with the Respondus LockDown Browser, it is a problem with their computer settings (not the Respondus LockDown Browser) and they should contact the ITS Helpdesk (850-474-2075, helpdesk@uwf.edu) immediately.

Other things to remember

  • The link students MUST use to access the correct version of the Respondus LockDown Browser intended for the University of West Florida. This link is found on the Quiz in eLearning.
  • Once there, look under Support for Students and select the Respondus LockDown Browser link.
  • Students need to select the version intended for the computer's operating system (Mac, or PC).
  • LockDown Browser for Chromebook is now available for institutions using Canvas. The new Chromebook extension for LockDown Browser and Respondus Monitor can be used with both New Quizzes and Classic Quizzes in Canvas courses. Instructors will need to enable the use of the Chromebook version through the Dashboard.
    • Go to the LockDown Browser Dashboard within Canvas
    • Select “Require Respondus LockDown Browser for this exam”
    • Save the exam settings for LockDown Browser 
    • The following Knowledgebase article provides additional information about the beta release of LockDown Browser for Chromebook, including feature limitations and known issues: https://support.respondus.com/support/index.php?/Knowledgebase/Article/View/586

Respondus LockDown Browser Troubleshooting Suggestions

  • Respondus LockDown Browser uses the same HTML engine, system components and settings as Internet Explorer (Windows) and Safari (Macintosh).
    • Basically, LockDown Browser provides a custom interface for the Internet Explorer (Windows) and Safari (Mac) browsers that are already installed on computers.
  • Therefore, it is recommended that students access their course with Internet Explorer-Windows or Safari-Macintosh (not FireFox or Google Chrome) and take a non-LDB enabled practice quiz to resolve any settings and media plug-ins prior to taking a test with LockDown Browser.
    • Why?: Because, taking a quiz with the Respondus LockDown Browser is essentially the same as using Internet Explorer/Safari.
  • Instructors should also provide a second LockDown Browser-enabled practice quiz to verify the settings.
  • For Windows systems and Macintosh systems with additional security software, we suggest relaxing any security settings to "medium", add "lockdown.exe" (Windows) or "LockDown Browser.app" (Macintosh) as a "trusted application."
    • Also, add UWF's learning management system server address (simply add: http://uwf.edu/) as a "trusted site" in any security software.
  • We recommend closing down all applications including background applications except for security and network connectivity prior to starting LockDown Browser.
    • Also, any background downloading of files, streaming music or automated backups should be suspended until after the test has been completed with LockDown Browser.
  • If using a wireless network connection, students should check check connectivity strength, 4-5 bars in Windows or 3-4 arcs in Macintosh, prior to starting a test with LockDown Browser.
    • If connectivity strength is low or there is difficulty navigating through web pages on a standard browser, students should seek a wired network connection prior to starting a test with LockDown Browser.

Student Frequently Asked Questions

I rebooted my computer while Respondus LockDown Browser was running. Now the Windows Task Manager is grayed out and can’t be used. What do I do?

If a computer is powered down while Respondus LockDown Browser is running, the Windows Task Manager will continue to be blocked when the computer is restarted. To remove the blocking, restart Respondus LockDown Browser and exit the program properly (click the "X" in the top right corner).

When I start LDB a warning message states “You must close the following programs before starting the browser: “program name”.

Over 300 applications, such as screen capture and chat programs, are "blacklisted." This means that you cannot start Respondus LockDown Browser until the blocked application is exited. When this warning message appears, Respondus LockDown Browser will offer to close the blacklisted program for you, which is the easiest way to continue.

Is it possible for me to increase or decrease the font size in the Respondus LockDown Browser?

Yes. To increase the font size, use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Shift + "+"). To decrease the font size, use the keyboard shortcut (Ctrl + Shift + "-").